Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stretching and thinking

...well one of those you need to do, the other you don't. I get to training early enough and I need to stretch out before I begin training. You would think this would be obvious given the fact I am using muscles in ways I have not before in any sort of sport I trained for before. But sometimes the most obvious thing is not clear to us when it should be. So from here out trust I will be stretching, I don't need to pull something and sideline myself for weeks with nagging hurts when all I had to do was some simple stretching and work myself out. Lesson learned.

Thinking I don't need to do. I know this is all a work in progress and I am learning and building up to things. I am learning something I knew absolutely nothing about before, so I will make my mistakes. I will be good eventually and my goal is to work on being the best. But of course this won't happen overnight. I think that's my issue as I continued to crap on myself when I messed up on something instead of just getting up and hitting the shit again. Stupid of me. I feel last night was my worst night of thinking and over thinking as I kept breaking my stride on bumps, running the ropes and hiptosses. When I just cleared my head and let it flow, they were good, when I started thinking of say the 3rd one being good and trying to quickly analyze that so I could make the 4th and 5th one good I started screwing up again. Not good. I am all impulse in so many other ways in my life and yet here I abandon that and wanna think and shit. I need to flipflop those two philosophies, lol.

My goal is to be wrestling before the end of the's still June. I have six months before the end of the calendar year...I'd like to be wrestling in 4. Benoit did not just walk through the door of his first training session and walk out the best technical wrestler ever. It took work and lot's of it. I will be great one day, that is the goal. I just need to not trip about the work and the pitfalls of said work.

Need to work away from training to keep myself in shape. To work my wind up. We were doing drop down drills last night and boy do they wind you. One of the wrestlers from the XCW roster who wrestles regularly on shows was there last night and doing drills and was sucking wind and admitted to letting himself get out of shape. I think, I don't know 100% I will admit as I am not wrestling yet, but I think there is the temptation to let yourself slip and take your wind, cardio and overall fitness for granted because you are wrestling actively each week. I got that from him anyway. That's one thing I won't do. I will be in better shape than the people I go up against and they will be sucking wind, not me.

1 comment:

  1. the first time you get in that ring in front of everyone it will all be worth it!
