Monday, June 29, 2009


...they are nice aren't they? The only bad part about them is having to bring them to an end. Mine ended with some wrestling Saturday night as we made it back in time for the second half of XCW's doubleshot weekend and the tourney to finally crown a heavyweight champion after the belt was stripped of Kieth Lee months ago. I was tired as hell at the show and imagine Mrs. Envi and the little High Yellow Envi were hot and tired as well. We had spent 20+ hours in the car total to drive from Phoenix, to San Antonio to retrieve my dog and then up to Denton. Not fun being in the car that long, still working out the kinks of that jaunt let me tell you. It was good to visit my dad and my best friend who I had not seen in 3 years, way waaaaay too long. I told him we didn't need to let that kind of time lapse again, I know life kinda takes you along at it's own pace, but we have been friends since we were 6 years old and you just don't get that kind of friendship again you had with the ones you grew up with.

Came back to have a lot of wrestling TV to catch up on. Two eps of ROH, two Smackdown's, two Gala Lucha eps and an Impact. Made it through the ROH and Smackdown. Loved seeing KENTA/Strong, a stiff hard-hitting match, I wish it could have gone longer, but it was good. Impact, well the first hour I watched, was nauseating as usual and why oh why do they just throw in all these gimmick matches on the broadcast like they are nothing? It lessens the impact, no pun intended, when you actually try to have them be meaningful in fueds. Just dumb. But of course, it's TNA we are talking about right? Right.

Ordered the Bash PPV last night. That was a good one with Rey/Jericho stealing the show as everyone knew they would. It was a good PPV overall even if I thought the Punk/Hardy match was lacking something, can't put my finger on what, but it was lacking something. That and I just hate Jeff with a passion. But it was good to see the PPV actually worth the money as opposed to Wrestlemania...60 bucks, four hours and only one match on the card really worth seeing. Yeah, I need to find a sports bar that shows WWE ppvs like Scoreboard in Victoria does.

Can't complain though. Got away from Texas for a bit with Mrs. Envi and the kids, well half of the set, the other will come in a couple weeks and I can't wait for that. But out of Texas, different states, road tripping, seeing friends and family and then back in time for some wrestling.

Good stuff.

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