Training last night, was not so much.
We set up a second ring that they finally got fixed and welded and all that good business. It’s a foot wider than the main ring and will be used for traveling events in Decatur and Denton I imagine should we get to return there. The ring feels different from the other and not just in terms of size. The ropes are different which the other guys lauded. I really have no basis of ring comparisons to know which I like better, at this point a ring is a ring. I need to jump more on the ropes so I can get used to that, get my balance on them, but I will do that from now on, all the more reason to get their early enough to get my warm up out of the way and to be able to do my stuff on the ropes.
So we set that up and did a couple bumping drills. My bumps still suck, once in a blue moon one of them is good the rest are “not bad” to “suck.” We were supposed to start clotheslines Thursday but didn’t get to that. Can’t complain on one hand as much as I was looking forward to that as it just gives another few days for my shoulder to get to feeling 100% better or at least a closer percentage than I was at last night. Babysteps. Still want to do more and be exposed to more. But, I am lucky enough to be training as it is, so I just have to take things as they come for the most part.
My cardio still sucks. I have my plans for jumproping and running I have been wanting to implement, it’s just finding the time in the schedule it all between work, personal projects in other areas, the kids, the girlfriend, at the end of the day some stuff you just don't get to, you wish there were more hours in the day or just more of you to go around. Find the balance in that is hard.
Top 10 Wrestling Games #1
13 years ago
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