Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I was introduced to the suplex last night. Awesome to be able to do that. Two of my favorite wrestlers of all time used the hell out of suplexes, that being Taz and Chris Benoit. Although as small as I am, I doubt I will be doing them a lot as a lot of the guys I will face will tower over me likely. We shall see. Did some armdrags, didn't mess up any fingers this time though my face did collide with Bobby's head.

Not so fun.

Back body drops will be interesting to take htose are well, being a little guy and knowing guys are going to be flinging me like 60 feet in the air and what not.

And I have been tasked with looking at Steamboat for those arm drags of his. I have commented on his arm drags before and how awesome they are to see him perform. They are quick, they are deep and just...awesome. I have a few DVDs with Steamboat matches on them which I shall be going through and slow mo-ing and all that good business.

I have likely said it before but I need to stretch before and after training. I keep telling myself I will do it, then I don't and then I have extra soreness the next day that comes from having not stretched. My shoulders are sore today but I think that has more to do with the not stretching thing. Need to do that. It's really stupid not to and having participated in athletic activity the majority of my life, I should know better.

Not much else is up today...just downloading and watching more wrestling. Always always wrestling....though I could stand to clean up here, so maybe I will do that and then settle into some more wrestling.

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