Wednesday, July 22, 2009


So my shoulder hurts.
We were working on back elbows last night and there is a way to do it where you will ideally hit the other person and not have it backfire. I mean think about it, in a fight with someone there you want to hit them and hurt them and not have what you yourself do hurt you right? So you do it right, well I didn't. And I put my arm in a position to where it moved more than it should have. Now I know what I did and I know how to fix it now mind you, but it hurt at the time as soon as I hit it.

Trial and error is a necessary evil, that doesn't exactly make it suck less. All of us were kind of off last night and tempers were a bit more heated than usual, not in the outburst lashing out at each other kinda way, but just frustrated at ourselves for mess ups or for nagging paings or whatever. Ideally it will be better Thursday.

Didn't get to my headscissory stuff, which was kind of disappointing but in time. I was telling Eddie about some of the moves I like and thought about having in my arsenal. He said to make sure they were things I could do. Some of them he said he couldn't teach me and I'd just have to get there and do some trial and error and figure it out. Gonna make a CD of a couple matches that have a couple of the moves I want to do as some of them I don't know the technical names for the moves so when I am explaining it I may not be getting my point across but this should help. I already told Bobby I was going to use him as a guinea pig Thursday for one move which I think I will be able to do pretty easily.

Clotheslines are coming Thursday so I am looking forward to that. My shoulder feels a wee bit better today, hoping it will even more tomorrow.

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