Support is good. And not the support that comes from bras or jockstraps, although that is good and much needed in some cases, but the support I speak of is people standing behind you. Friends, family etc. It’s nice to have people in your corner to know that people have your back in what you are trying to do. I get that from Mrs. Envi who I love and appreciate for it, I get it from my best friend my whole life, my brother, my dad, not my mom though. I get snide remarks about what I want to do in wrestling. Well hell in all things really.
Now I am a parent. I have four kids and will likely have another one before all is said and done. That’s a lot of different little developing minds. I of course have ideas in my head of what I want them to do in life and they may do somethings and they may not. They may totally go on a different entirely. And as a parent I will surely complain at first but at the end of the day if it makes them happy I will have their back. (but if any one of my sons end up playing football for the Redskins….that…..I dunno…he’d better get a huge signing bonus and buy me a Lamborghini all I am saying…..)
My mom not so much. She is the type that she has it in her head what you should do and if you deviate from that path in any way shape or form you are wrong as wrong can get. Never asking me at any point in time does it make me happy. Actually she has never asked me in her numerous questions and judgments about any of my decisions has she asked me if said decision makes me happy. Which I would think is the important thing. I dunno…I suppose I can add her to the list of detractors and naysayers to prove wrong. Can’t let em get to you. Hell I am starting this seven years later than I wanted to because my kids mom was a huge detractor and non-supporter. Knowing someone has your back really goes a long way. So I am glad I have my kids and my lady behind me all the way. Hell even Caleb is saying he wants to wrestle…why…”because my daddy does it.” I love it.
What I don’t love….Cena/Orton for the title at Summerslam…I mean Christ on a saltine cracker…let friggan Orton feud with other people….like MVP who would be a nice fresh addition to the main event scene but noooo Vince allows the same tired, stale shit….god it makes watching WWE so painful.
Top 10 Wrestling Games #1
13 years ago
I will always stand behind you and support you in everything, me and our children!!!!